Specialising in luxury travel and sustainability, I craft narratives in various mediums for clients and under my own name. I am a geographer at heart, which spans many concepts - notably people, places and the environment.

In my spare time, I work behind the scenes to advance ideas with purpose - leading delegations, chairing the Younger Members’ Committee at the Royal Geographical Society and developing a platform to facilitate social, environmental and economic sustainability in the global travel & tourism sector.


Creative Director

Freelance Journalism



I grew up in the Highlands of Scotland and am now based in the more gently rolling hills of the Cotswolds. My mind is drawn to geopolitics and responsible action, whilst my heart is in nature and the wilderness.

Whilst honing my own voice, I have also worked with world-class hotels & yachts, businesses and organisations as well as academics, governmental bodies and institutions.

Clear thinking and straight talking guide my working relationships, together with a deep sense of curiosity and a desire for getting under the skin of the subject at hand. I like to inspire positive change and always consider the bigger picture alongside differing perspectives. I set up Vocalista with this in mind.


 Instagram @annabelilli